About Dr. Jennifer Ward
Mom. Vol fan. Book nerd. Travel bug. Outdoors enthusiast. Wife.
Dr. Jennifer Ward is an expert in organizational equity and diversity initiatives in the nonprofit and health sectors. She is a Qualified Administrator of the IDI Assessment and has taught, written, and trained extensively on diversity issues including most recently a chapter on Organizational Equity for the national Association of SNAP-Ed Administrators Race Health and Social Equity Committee. Her audiences have included community health workers, early childhood educators, pre-service teachers, public health professionals, higher education administrators and more. She finds joy in supporting organizations’ capacity to serve people no matter their background or identity.
She currently serves as the SNAP-Ed and EFNEP Program Director for the University of Tennessee where she oversees nutrition education programming for low-income audiences in up to 95 counties in Tennessee. She came to this role after earning her PhD in Child and Family Studies and a Master in Public Health from the University of Tennessee. Her research centers vulnerable populations and access to education, health and other social services. She spent 9 years in refugee resettlement as the Executive Director of Bridge Refugee Services and has a special interest in adapting programs to culturally and linguistically diverse audiences.

Selected Presentations
Upcoming Presentations
Ward, J. & Franck, K. (2024). Addressing nutrition security through community-based programming. Presenting at the International Federation of Home Economics in Galway, Ireland.
Ward, J. (2024). Promoting nutrition security using multilevel interventions and strengths-based approaches, Accepted for presentation at ResilienceCon in Nashville, TN. April 2024
Ward, J., Jackson, R., Franck, K., Owens, N., Dykes, D., Hill, H. (2024). Administration in EFNEP: Systems that promote transparency and integrity. Accepted for presentation at the national EFNEP Coordinator’s conference in Washington D.C. February 2024.
Past Presentations
Ward, J., Franck, K. (2024). Weight stigma in nutrition education: Applying a nutrition equity framework to bias in nutrition education. Presented at the Association for SNAP Ed Administrators meeting in Washington, D.C.
Ward, J. et al. (2023) Roadmap to Equity in SNAP-Ed, ASNNA Race Health and Social Equity Webinar, November 2023.
Ward, J. (2023) Losing weight stigma in nutrition education. Seminar for Minnesota SNAP-Ed conference, October 2023.
Ward, J. (2023) Training nutrition educators in anti-fat bias, presented at the Race Social Health Equity Committee meeting in September 2023.
Ward, J. (2023). Reducing fat bias in nutrition education. FCS Professional Development Conference, Nashville, TN August 2023.
Sneed, C., Sweet, C., Franck, K.L., Salie, J., Ward, J. (2023) Using behavioral economics approaches to increase food and nutrition security for families of limited resources. Presented at the Family Economics and Resource Management Association conference in May 2023.
Ward, J.M. (2023) Community nutrition education in Tennessee, a presentation for FCS students at Farragut High School.
Ward, J.M. (2023). Learning along the way: Public health and organizational leadership in nonprofit and academic settings. PUBH seminar for MPH students. February 2023.
Ward, J., Owens, N., Franck, K. (2023). Centering community needs: A practical guide for population specific focus groups and interview assessments, presented at ASNNA Virtual Conference, March 1, 2023.
Jackson, R., Ward, J., Franck, K., Owens, N. (2023). UT EFNEP and SNAP-Ed: Together creating healthy families and healthy communities, presented at National EFNEP Coordinator’s Conference, March 8, 2023.
Ward, J.M., Johnson, K. (2022). What happened to food deserts? Shifting to a nutrition security lens in Extension nutrition education. UT Extension Conference, November 2022.
Ward, J.M. (2022). Reaching culturally and linguistically diverse audiences. UT Extension Conference, November 2022.
Ward, J.M. (2022). Reaching low-income audiences with nutrition education, Community and Engagement Outreach Conference, University of Tennessee October 4, 2022.
Ward, J.M. (2022). Meeting people where they are: Healthy Families Healthy Communities. Presented for summer scholars July 12, 2022.
Ward, J.M. (2022). Wage equity within nutrition education administration. Presented at “The role of racial equity in SNAP-Ed” Part 3, USDA & ASNNA webinar, June 30, 2022.
Ward, J.M. (2022). HFHC: TNCEP & EFNEP Strategic priorities and opportunities. Presented at FCS Connect April 21, 2022.
Fuller, L., Lopez, E., Ward, J., Franck, K. (2022). Working with adult audiences: Recruiting culturally and linguistically diverse EFNEP audiences. Presented at the national EFNEP conference March 24, 2022.
Ward, J. (2022). Program updates and cultural competency. Presented at Eastern, Western and Central region training meetings during March 2022.
Ward, J., Franck, K., redacted. (2022). Augmenting capacity to reach refugee and immigrant populations with SNAP-Ed through Mixed Methods Needs Assessment. Presented at ASNNA conference February 2022.
Sweet, C. L., C. T. Sneed, J. Salie, E. Anderson-Steeves, J. L. Burney, K. L. Franck, Ward, J.M. (2021). Meeting the shopper online: Adapting food retail programming during COVID-19. Presented at Society of Nutrition Education and Consumer Behavior Annual Conference.
Ward, J.M. (2021). Tennessee’s role in women’s suffrage: Celebrating diversity in the movement at 101 years. FCE day Tennessee Valley Fair, September 2021.
Ward, J.M., Lopez. E. (2021). Hispanic Outreach in SNAP-Ed programming administration. SERO webinar. September 2021.
Ward, J.M. (2021). Leveraging funds for social change: Grant writing basics. Monday Meetup for SNAP-Ed:TNCEP. June 2021.
Ward, J.M. (2021). Equity and Inclusion in everyday life. Presented to the UTK chapter of Delta Zeta, April 11, 2021.
Ward, J.M., Salie, J., Colclough, E. (2021). Don’t forget the FNV: A social marketing collaboration in Davidson County. SPARKS presentation at UTK in April 2021.
Ward, J.M. (2021). How a degree in women’s studies informs vocation. Furman University. Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies panel. March 2021.
Ward, J.M. (2020). Adapting to change and finding a way forward. Program Assistant Training, September 2020.
Ward, J.M., Johnson, K. (2020) Food Access, Family Systems & Health. Building Strong Brains. September 2020.
Fuller, L., Lopez, E., Ward, J.M., Franck, K., Salie, J., Sneed, C. (2020). Engaging the Latinx community for nutrition education. American Public Health Association.
Ward, J.M., Working Across Cultures: Nutrition Education for Diverse Audiences, UTIA TNCEP/EFNEP Program Assistant Trainings, Eastern, Central & Western regions, December 2020
Ward, J.M., New Leadership and New Vision, Program Assistant Training, Murfreesboro, TN, September 2019.
Ward, J.M. & Sneed, C. (2019) Tennessee Nutrition Education Programs for Low-Resource Families. Promoting Healthy Weight Colloquium, University of Tennessee.
Ward, J.M. Roundtable V. Refugees, Displacement, and Resettlement: A UT Conference. February 2017.
Ward, J.M., Bader, L., Moran, H. Infant Care Patterns in African Refugees. Refugees, Displacement, and Resettlement: A UT Conference, February 2017.
Ward, J.M., Bader, L., Moran, H. African Origin Mothers Project, CFS Department Colloquium, February 2016.
Ward, J.M. Refugees in the Knoxville Community. Invited by the Turkey Creek Sunset Rotary Club, July 2013.
Ward, J.M. Refugees and Legal Issues. Invited by the Knoxville Police Department. 2012.
Ward, J.M. Refugees in Knoxville and volunteer opportunities. Invited by the Department of Geography, University of Tennessee. January 2012.

Selected Publications
Refereed Publications
Franck, K., Ward, J.M., Lopez, E., Fuller, L. (in press). Beyond translation: Increasing accessibility to nutrition education programs for foreign-born Latine adults, Journal of Extension.
Ward, J. (2023) Embedding organizational equity in SNAP-Ed systems. Invited author for ASNNA Race & Social Health Equity Committee Position Paper.
Sweet, C., Ward, J.M., Salie, J., Franck, K., Anderson-Steeves, E., Sneed, C., Burney, J. (2022). Reaching food retail customers through Facebook. Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior.
Bader, L.R., Ward, J.M., Fouts, H.N., Moran, H.B., Jaekel, J. (2020). Infant Care Practices among Resettled Refugee Mothers from East and Central Africa. Children. 7(6), 63.
Haselschwerdt, M. L., Hardesty, J. L., Park, S. Y., & Ward, J. (2019). Civil court responses to intimate partner violence and child custody: The role of custody evaluators. In R. Fleury-Steiner, M. K. Hefner, S. L. Miller (Eds.), Civil court responses to intimate partner violence. San Diego, CA: Cognella
Ward, J.M., Fouts, H.N. (under review). Maternal health care needs and services for Sub-Saharan refugees resettled in the United States.
Extension & Other Publications
Yeley, L., Ward, J. (in prep) Feeding your baby: Tips for a healthy start.
Ward, J. (in prep) Reducing Anti-fat bias in nutrition education. D. Department of Family & Consumer Sciences
Trotter, D., Ward, J., Lima, M.B., Johnson, K. (under review) Best practices for community food boxes. Department of Family & Consumer Sciences
Ward, J. (2021). Serving and communicating with refugee participants: Practical tips for Extension professionals. D. Department of Family & Consumer Sciences
Fuller, L., Lopez, E., Ward, J., Woods, L., Mendieta, M., Johnson, K. (2021). The World at Home: Celebrating Culture with Food.
Franck, K., Jarvandi, S., Ward, J., Elizer, A. (2021). Addressing Food Insecurity: Introduction. W 1021-A.
Ward, J., Sweet, C., Burney, J., Sneed, C.T. (2021). Addressing Food Insecurity: The Impact of Food Policy. W 1021-B.
Johnson, K., Ward, J., Burney, J., Sweet, C. (2021). Addressing Food Insecurity: Connecting Extension Programming with Food Assistance Programs. W 1021-C.
Sweet, C., Ward, J., Hinds, B., Jarvandi, S. (2021). Addressing Food Insecurity: Expanding Access through Community Gardens. W 1021-D.
Fox, J., Ward, J., Franck, K., Jackson, R., Owens, N., Fuller, L., Salie, J., Sweet, C., Ferguson, J., Lopez, E., Ren, R., Rose, C. 2021. Healthy Families, Healthy Communities 2020 Annual Report. Extension Bulletin.
Johnson, K., Ward, J., (March 2020). Eating Well During Stressful Times.
Halladay, M. & Ward, J. (April 2020). Parenting in a Pandemic. Published on the CEHHS website.
Ward, J., Lopez, E., Franck, K., Ren, R. (2023). Improving post-resettlement diet through nutrition intervention for refugees: Service provider perspectives. Presented at the American Public Health Association conference November, 2023.
Ward, J., Fuller, L., Franck, K., Delvo-Lopez, E. (2023). “The main thing to be healthy is the food:” Nutrition programming needs of refugees in the U.S. Presented at the North American Refugee Health Conference, July 2023.
Sweet, C., Ward, J., Franck, K., Owens, N., Salie, J., Fuller, L. (2022). Expanding outcomes for Extension programs through policy systems and environmental change work: Examples from nutrition education programs. Presented at the UT Extension Conference, November 2022.
Fuller, L. Ward, J., Franck, K., Salie, J. (2022). Online videos enhance youth nutrition education. Poster presented at Society for Nutrition Education & Behavior, July 2022.
Ward, J.M., Fouts, H.N. Maternal health care needs and service for refugees from Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic literature review. Poster presented at the North American Refugee Health Conference in Portland, OR, May 2018
Ward, J.M., Moran, H.B., Bader, L.R., Fouts, H.N., Jaekel, J. African Refugee Mother’s Infant Care Practices. Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies meeting in San Francisco, May 2017.
Ward, J.M., Bader, L.R., Moran, H., Fouts, H.N., Jaekel, J. African Origin Mothers and Infant Care. Poster presented at College of Education Health and Human Sciences graduate student colloquium, March 2017.
Allen, C., Swan, S., Ward, J. (2007). The influence of culture and context on women’s use of violence and their relation to mental health outcomes. Poster presented at a national conference on violence against women in San Francisco, CA and Myrtle Beach, SC, 2007.